Spring Bed Rental Notifications
Getting to Spring…
… first, we will conduct a Returning Gardeners’ Bed Rental Program in the Autumn.
THEN: We will contact everyone on our Notification List — well in advance of the Spring Rental Program but probably not until sometime in early to mid March to bring them up to speed.
One week before the Spring Rental Program we will directly email applicants advising them whether we have a bed available for them or whether we will put them on our Spring Waiting List.
The day of the Spring Rental Program we will email — via MailChimp — all applicants for whom we have beds available the requisite details for proceeding in the rental program.
Autumn Bed Rental Notifications
Getting through Autumn…
Two weeks before the Autumn Rental Program we will post a notice in the Monday Update Newsletter and our social media platforms to remind returning gardeners of the impending program.
One week before the Autumn Rental Program we will post a notice in the Monday Update Newsletter and our social media platforms to remind returning gardeners of the impending program.
The day the Autumn Rental Program begins we will post a notice in the Monday Update Newsletter.
The day the Autumn Rental Program begins we will directly email all “qualified gardeners” an invitation to renew their bed.
Please Note: Invitations to the Autumn Rental Program will only be extended to “ qualified gardeners “