The iconic late morning – early afternoon Saturday Task Festival™ continues…
The East Green House is currently home to too many seedlings that are crying out to be planted! Ok, they’re not actually “crying” but even a non-gardener like Shawn can tell that they have had enough of being cooped up.
Surprising but true – most of them would rather be outside in the ground than inside in the heat. Who knew?
Lots of beds (a dozen at a guess) still need turning and weeding before they can be planted: it’s easier than it sounds! (At least, that’s what I’m told.)
Dandelions are so 1990’s.
Ergo: a campaign to suppress them in the Plot Rental Garden is being launched. (Bounties will be paid!*)
We have a variety of suppression technologies (weed whacker, tiger torch, hoe) but the only surefire way to get rid of them is to dig out the root … and by that I mean 90% of the root!
Yes, there are loads of them … and yes, there are “loads x loads” next door … that doesn’t mean we can’t knock them back!
Knocking them out will definitely take tons of effort but it’s got to start somewhere.
*But not very big bounties… check with Shawn before making retirement plans based upon this income.